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    Discover Optimal Wellness Box


    Dr. Nigma

    Dr. Nigma Talib’s OPTIMAL WELLNESS BOX is a powerful set of your must-have supplements!

    The Optimal Wellness Box features the:
    • Vitamin D Sun, which is perfect when the sun alone just won’t do, these Vitamin D capsules help absorb Calcium that contributes to the maintenance of bones and muscles. Supports the functioning of the immune system and improves the appearance of lackluster hair, skin, and nails.

    Supports Immune Health
    Optimal bone and arterial health
    Supports healthy colon prostate and breast tissue

    • B Famous, supplements that are packed with high-potency multi-B Vitamins that support and contribute to the growth, development, and function of cell metabolism to keep skin glowing, as well as maintain the health of your digestive, immune and nervous system.

    Alleviates brain fog
    Supports optimal hormone function
    Supports a strong immune system
    Helps improves the body's ability to deal with stress

    • Healthy Flora, supplements that are packed with a researched blend of probiotics to improve digestion and overall gut health.

    Improves the gut microbiome
    Helps alleviate bloating and gas
    Supports healthy skin

    • Beauty in a Bottle, a food supplement that contains 20 powerful ingredients to boost your hair, skin, and nails.

    Strengthens hair, skin, and nails
    Potent Antioxidant Formula
    Supports healthy thyroid and hormone function

    • Cortisol Balancer 30 capsules, which is formulated with 6 key synergistic ingredients including two superstar adaptogens. Adaptogens help with the body's adaptation process and resilience to stressful conditions, whether physical or emotional, to regulate healthy stress response and achieve homeostasis for survival.

    Supports a healthy stress response
    Supports healthy sex hormone levels
    Supports restful sleep
    Balances serotonin levels to help mood

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