Cortisol Balancer and Beauty Cocktail Collagen Powder+ are currently unavailable for checkout in the UK.
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    Dr. Nigma has brought to her clinics the ultimate treatment that she herself has frequently to maintain healthy, glowing and tight skin. This Multistep treatment combines lymphatic drainage, hydra dermabrasion, a polishing red carpet ready chemical peel and painless extractions. The scientific procedure delivers antioxidants, Hyaluronic Acid and Dr. Nigma's very own Swiss botanical and plant stems cells to give your skin the much needed moisture, deep from within.

    This effective dual treatment will then move onto one of the most effective skin tightening procedures on the market to ensure you get the best of what the clinic has to offer. Radio frequency is a facial treatment that acts by stimulating the skin on a sub-topical level to target signs of ageing and tighten sagging skin. It visibly lifts and improves the skin firmness while promoting cellular renewal and collagen production.

    This amazing treatment will ensure your skin is plump and lifted! Radiofrequency energy treatment is technology for non-surgical tightening of the early signs of loose or sagging skin. Radio frequency is hailed one of the most effective treatments to increase the elasticity of the skin.

    Areas that benefit most from this treatment and can be targeted individually or as whole which includes: Forehead, under eyes, cheeks, mid-face, jaw line, neck and décolletage area. Results are visible immediately and there is no down time associated with this treatment. This is the ultimate pampering and skin rejuvenation treatment.

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