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    What is Radio frequency?

    Radio Frequency is a relaxing treatment that involves the application of a cosmetic gel and a warm wand passing over the skin in sweeping circular motions. The wand gently heats the lower levels of the skin to approximately 43°c; this tricks the brain into thinking there has been a potential injury and stimulates a healing response. This in turn causes increased collagen production and tightening of elastin fibres. The tightening of elastin fibres is instant meaning the skin appears tighter and lifted from the first treatment.


    A course of Radio Frequency treatments will help to lift, firm and tighten skin by aiding the skin’s own ability to produce collagen and elastin. Skin concerns including fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin & acne scarring are targeted. Post treatment your skin will continue to improve due to increased collagen and elastin production. You will continue to see results for up to 3 months after the treatment course has ended. This is perfectly normal as it can take the collagen time to reproduce. The results of Radio Frequency can last for up to 2 years.

    How many sessions will I need?

    A course of 6 treatments is recommended for optimum results. Ideally this should be 1 treatment per week for 6 weeks. After completion of your course it is recommended to have a maintenance session every 4-6 weeks.

    What areas can be treated?

    Forma can be used on both the face and body. Commonly treated areas on the face include: forehead, crows feet, upper eyelids, lower eyelids, nasolabial folds, jowls, smile lines and neck. On the body, popular treatments consist of the arms (bat wings), abdomen and other areas that may need contraction.

    Can this be used in combination with other treatments/procedures?

    Yes, Forma can be used in combination with most other laser treatments, Our Dr Nigma Plant Stem Face Treatments, injectables and/or filler. Please speak to your aesthetic provider when considering combining Forma with other treatments. We highly recommend combining this treatment with the Dr Nigma Fractora skin resurfacing for optimal results. Each treatment plan will be individually tailored to each patient depending on skin condition and goals to be achieved. Post treatment, we highly recommend using the Dr Nigma Serum and Crème the to further aid collagen renewal.

    Downtime/After effect

    Radio Frequency is quick, convenient and painless, immediately revealing tighter, younger looking skin just after one treatment, with no downtime.

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