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    Skin Peels are approached on a strictly bespoke basis at the HealthyDoc Clinic. All client's have different skin aspirations and skin types therefor the type of peel used is carefully considered prior to application.

    A wide range of peels are available with different purposes for the individual's needs. Very mild peels that has an immediate polished look is available prior to events or special occasions with no flaking or down time associated. For patients with acne or acne scarring stronger peels are available which will aid the scarring to reduce and the visibility and severity of acne affected skin.

    All peels work by gently rubbing the skin with a non-toxic chemical solution to remove the unwanted top layer. This encourages collagen production and cell renewal, to reveal an age-defying healthier, younger-looking you.

    Treatment is pain-free, though some peels can lead to light swelling of the affected area or peeling of the skin for a few days after the procedure.

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