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    What is Fractora Skin Resurfacing?

    Fractora skin treatment is a fractional rejuvenation and resurfacing treatment that reduces wrinkles to slow the effects of ageing and restore skin to its youthful appearance. Fractora is the most advanced fractional radio-frequency treatment providing anti-ageing improvements on skin tone and texture for a more radiant appearance through ablation and skin resurfacing. Fractora can be used in areas that demonstrate fine or deep wrinkles, scars or discolored red and brown skin tones.

    What are the benefits?

    Depending on individual skin condition 1-6 treatments are needed to achieve optimal results. Fractora improves the appearance of:

    • Wrinkles
    • Acne
    • Photo damage
    • Scarring
    • Acne scarring
    • Slows re appearance of break outs
    • Uneven skin tone

    Fractionated RF energy found in Fractora is a scientifically proven method that reduces wrinkles. It is minimally invasive, using a matrix of micro-pins to resurface and restore the skin, providing exceptional long-lasting results.

    How quickly will I see results?

    Visible results can be seen immediately, but typically after two weeks the most noticeable results appear. Improvements continue up to three months after treatment.

    Can this treatment be used in combination with other treatments/procedures?

    Yes, Fractora can be used in the same treatment session, or a few days after other treatments. Fractora can also be combined with additional energy treatments such as the Dr Nigma Radio Frequency treatment to achieve a more extensive ‘full face result’. We highly recommend the combination of Fractora Skin Resurfacing and the Dr Nigma Radiofrequency treatment to our patients. Specific treatment plans will be tailored to each individual depending on skin condition and goals. We also offer Intensive LED Light and the Dr Nigma Collagen Infusion treatment as part of our treatment package. Your post procedure skin care will be advised depending on your skin type. We usually recommend using the Dr Nigma Serum and Crème the following day after your procedure to optimize cell turnover and collagen renewal.

    Can anyone use Fractora?

    The benefit of Fratcora's color blind technology is that it can be used on all skin types. The unique properties allow even darker tones to receive treatment.

    Downtime/after effect

    Patients can expect redness for 3-5 days after treatment. Skin will feel sore and tight for 1-2 days after treatment. Patients should also expect to see micro lesions a few days after treatment and slight redness for up to 1 week depending on treatment parameters.

    Since patient downtime is minimal, mineral make-up can be applied 1 to 2 days after the treatment.

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