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    Blue Peel RADIANCE is a pioneering new addition to the Obagi medical range. The advanced peel contains a unique blend of acids to provide a gentle but effective peel, resulting in tighter, smoother, brighter-looking skin immediately after just one use.

    Salicylic acid-based peels are used to improve patient outcomes for a range of skin conditions, including acne scarring, photo damage, and melasma. Blue Peel RADIANCE effectively exfoliates the uppermost damaged skin layers, leaving your skin fresh, renewed, and radiant.

    The peel leaves you with instantly tighter, smoother, brighter-looking skin after just 1 use although a series of 4 to 6 peels provides best overall results. It is particularly effective, in the treatment of photo damage, and results in an overall improvement in texture and tone it may also be beneficial in the treatment of darker skin with pigmentary changes.

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